1. セラースプライトとは?
2. Amazon市場割引プログラムとは?
3. Amazon市場割引プログラムの特徴
- 無料で利用できる
- 参加するだけで、Amazon物販のコストを抑えることができる
- 招待制で、参加条件が設けられている
- 割引率は、商品やカテゴリーによって異なる
4. 参加方法
- Amazon物販のアカウントを持っていること
- セラースプライトのアカウントを持っていること
5. 割引率の設定方法
6. 注意点
- 参加条件を満たしているか確認すること
- 設定した割引率が利益率やコストを考慮したものか確認すること
- 参加後も、定期的に割引率の見直しを行うこと
Once you pulled your knees under you, you got your breath back and started looking about you, and great was your surprise to find that the room with the ceiling you had been so long looking at was no longer there. As a matter of fact, you were not now in your own room, but in quite a different one, although it was just as comfortable, and you felt just as much at home in it. This was certainly strange, but you made up your mind at once that, as you had got there, there was no use in wasting time in asking how it had come about, and you jumped off the bed and began examining your new quarters.
The wall was covered with books from floor to ceiling. You had never seen so many books before in your life, and you began to walk round the room, reading the titles on their backs. They all seemed very dull and uninteresting, and you were just thinking that you would never find anything to amuse you, when all of a sudden your eye was caught by the title of a book that stood on the top shelf at the further end of the room. The title was “The Story of a Dodo,” and you said to yourself, “That’s just the kind of book I am wanting. I have been wanting to read the story of a Dodo all my life and have never been able to find one.” But you were prevented from taking the book down from the shelf by your old enemy the Pain.
He was now sitting in an arm-chair by the fire, reading a newspaper, and all the time you were walking round the room he did not take his eyes off you. You saw him chuckling to himself every now and then, and you thought to yourself, “Oh, no, you won’t catch me this time,” and you tried all sorts of tricks to get near the book. Once you pretended you saw a mouse, and when the Pain jumped up you nearly got the book, but not quite, for the Pain was back in his chair again before you had time to get your paws on the shelf. Then you said, quite boldly, “Rats!” and as soon as the Pain had got out of his chair to look for the rats you got on the shelf, but just as you were stretching out your paw for the book he turned round and saw you. So you got down again, and once more the Pain got back into his chair.
After that you gave it up as a bad job, but by this time you did not care much whether you had the book or not, for you were beginning to feel very drowsy and comfortable. You tried to keep your eyes open and look round the room, but it was very dark, and you were so very sleepy. You heard the clock strike twelve, and then one and then two, and each time it struck you got sleepier and sleepier, till at last you fell fast asleep and did not wake up till you heard the clock strike twelve the next evening, when you woke up all of a sudden and found you were as wide awake as you could be.