1. キーワードの選定
まずは、自分が販売したい商品のジャンルについて調べる必要があります。その際には、Google TrendsやGoogle Keyword Plannerといったツールを使って、人気のあるキーワードを把握することが重要です。また、Amazonの検索欄にもキーワードを入力して、オートコンプリート機能を利用して人気のあるキーワードをチェックすることもできます。
2. セラースプライトでの分析
3. レビューのチェック
There are many sellers on Amazon competing to sell their products, making it a highly competitive marketplace. In order to succeed, it is important to conduct market analysis. One useful tool for this is SellerSprite. Let’s take a look at the steps for conducting market analysis using SellerSprite.
First, it is important to select keywords for the product you want to sell. This can be done by using tools such as Google Trends and Google Keyword Planner to identify popular keywords. You can also utilize Amazon’s search bar and its autocomplete feature to see popular search terms.
Next, use SellerSprite’s “Keyword Tree” feature to analyze the sales and rankings of products related to the selected keywords. The “Competitor Tree” feature can also be used to examine competing products that use the same keywords. This allows you to understand where your own product stands in the market.
Additionally, checking product reviews is crucial on Amazon. By using SellerSprite’s “Review Tree” feature, you can check the number and average ratings of reviews for competing products with the same keywords. You can also read through the reviews to understand what aspects of the products are being praised and criticized.
By utilizing SellerSprite for market analysis, you can gain a better understanding of your product’s position in the market. This allows you to identify ways to differentiate and improve your product. SellerSprite is user-friendly and can be easily used by beginners, so be sure to give it a try.